TCA Aircraft Testing Department. Jet/ turboprop/ large prop aircraft test report: (v3.2) Date of Report: March 21, 2001 Tested by: Philip M. Wafer TCA#2302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B: (aircraft file details.) a) Aircraft name: TCA B737-300 b) Aircraft registration: PJ-JMS c) Aircraft filename: d) Aircraft *.AIR file date: PF-B737-300.AIR Jan 14, 2001 22:17 e) Aircraft *.MDL file date: PF7373.MDL Dec 18, 2000 13:25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION C: (Criteria Tested) *** TAKE OFF PARAMETERS 1) Take-off distance: 1050m 2) Rotation speed (Vr): (max fuel) KIAS. a) Educated guess: 140 kIAS b) Calculated: 128 kIAS 3) Climb schedule: to 10000 feet :- 90% N1/250 kIAS/3000fpm 10-15000 feet :- 90% N1/300 kIAS/2500fpm 15-20000 feet :- 90% N1/300 kIAS/1800fpm 20-25000 feet :- 90% N1/300 kIAS/1200fpm 25-28000 feet :- 90% N1/Mach 0.70/700fpm 28-31000 feet :- 90% N1/Mach 0.70/500fpm 31-33000 feet :- 90% N1/Mach 0.70/250fpm *** CRUISE PARAMETERS 4) Endurance (range): 2700nm 5) Overspeed clacker: Cannot reach at cruise altitude. 6) Speed @ 80% N1, Mach 0.68 7) % N1 at recommended economic cruise speed: Mach 0.74 / FL330 / 85% N1 *** LANDING PARAMETERS 8) Descent: default 1200fpm 9) Approach speed 30% fuel (KIAS): 125 kIAS 10) Landing speed (KIAS): a) 30% fuel: 112 kIAS b) 15% fuel: 11) Landing distance: 1000m *** HANDLING PARAMETERS 12) Behavior under AP: (OK or not)! a) Speed AP. sensitive b) Altitude AP. bumpy c) Heading AP. ok d) NAV1 AP. ok e) Back course AP. ok f) Approach AP. ok g) Autoland. n/a 13) Stall speed: (KIAS) a) 100% fuel - 135 kIAS clean, 98 kIAS dirty. b) 30% fuel - 120 kIAS clean, 97 kIAS dirty. 14) Turns AP ON - (OK or not?) a) Level turns 30° bank, roll quite abrupt. b) Climbing turns. ditto c) Descending turns. ditto 15) Turns AP OFF - (OK or not?) a) Level turns ok b) Climbing turns. ok c) Descending turns. ok 16) Fuel burn: a) Fuel Capacity: = 5311 gallons b) Take-off & climb out to FL330 = 190nm/30 minutes/680 gallons. c) Cruise : FL330/m0.74 = 734 gallons/hr. d) Descent : FL330 to land = 25 minutes/120nm/240 gallons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION D: NOTES/COMMENTS: *) Hardware = PIII 450/128Mb RAM/ GEForce 256 DDR *) FS screen resolution used = 1280 x 1024 x 16bit *) This aircraft was tested in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Pro. *) This is Patrick Hannas' repaint of the newest Project Freeware Boeing B737-300 *) The default 737 panel was used during testing. *) Very abrupt roll on large heading changes. *) If climbing steeply to cruise altitude at the lighter weights, the leveling off is noticable abrupt. Passengers could end up on the ceiling. I'd recommend reducing the VS to less than 1000fpm when within 2000 feet of the desired cruise altitude. *) At cruise altitude & speed the aircraft appears to bump up & down occasionally, instead of the slight wallowing or drift up & down usually seen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- © Tradewind Caribbean Airlines Aircraft Testing Department 1998-2001